Laura F.

Laura F.

Membre depuis: 05-04-2014

Salut, je suis Laura F.

Membre depuis April 2014
Hi! I'm from Spain. I have studied Fine Arts but these last three years I have been teaching English to kids from 4 to 11 years old. I love to create all the course material and develop games to help children to learn languges. I love photography, drawing, listening to music and enjoying nature, hiking and swimming. I need to practice more and more English to become a better teacher. I'm talkative and outgoing, good at hearing and pleased to learn all the time.
  • Langues: non fournie
  • Travail: Teacher

Je suis à la recherche d `un logement

Chambre chez l'habitant dans une 2, any type of board, du 24/04/2014 au 01/05/2014.

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