Laura Verena C.

Laura Verena C.

Membre depuis: 03-06-2015

Salut, je suis Laura Verena C.

Membre depuis June 2015
I am a 21-years old Language student from Germany and will study at University College Cork during the Autumn Semester 2015/16. First of all, I am a non-smoker because I prefer a healthy lifestyle doing lots of sports. I'd love to live together with other Irish or international students and have a lovely time in Cork! Cheers, Laura Verena
  • Langues: non fournie
  • Travail: student

I'm looking for Accommodation in Sinzig, Allemagne

Appartement dans une 1, any type of board, du 21/08/2015 au 21/02/2016.

Vous voulez me contacter? Veuillez vous incrire ou vous connecter comme Hôte
